Andrea Blythe


"Lisa’s resume underscores her leadership, entrepreneurial, and management skills. Lisa has a solid professional history as a manager of people and events – and a track record to prove it. Yet, what makes Lisa an outstanding director is her vision to see beyond what exists and the energy that she brings to move ideas into action. Setting a new path is what Lisa does best! Lisa and I first met commuting into NYC over 20 years ago early in our careers. For as long as I’ve known her, Lisa has been connecting people to build a better village. I think it starts with Lisa’s interest in others. Both professionally and socially, she engages people. Lisa sees common interests and makes it her mission to bring people together by creating a compelling experience.

Whether she is running an international industry event or the local school fundraiser, Lisa brings her passion to ensure that the result will be properly planned, staffed, set up, promoted, and in total, a resounding success for all who participate. One of Lisa’s signature traits is providing unexpected amenities and exceeding expectations. I’ve seen Lisa work on various projects, and I’ve worked with her. For several years as an independent contractor, I worked with Lisa on the industry shows that she produced. I saw first hand the bounty of ideas that Lisa brought to each endeavor and then the perseverance to deliver, and repeatedly, she exceeded. I witnessed the unrelenting stamina Lisa has as a woman on a mission. Lisa has a keen talent for finding creative, able people and nurturing a collaborative spirit on her projects. She is resourceful, pragmatic and determined to surpass expectations."

– Andrea Blythe
Partner, Blythe Design Studio, LLC 
Former DIRECTION Independent Contractor


Gregory Omar Osborne


Roseann Forde