Stacey Ross-Trevor Stacey Ross-Trevor

Maplewood Township Committee

Resolution of Recognition and Appreciation for Lisa Gay Mainardi by Maplewood Township Committee public meeting, March 16, 2021. Committee Woman Adams and Mayor McGehee speak on behalf of the Committee.

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Lisa Mainardi Lisa Mainardi

Mila M. Jasey

“Lisa Mainardi is a highly qualified professional who makes certain to understand the needs of her clients and consistently delivers a superior event and product. I recommend her without reservation.”

— Mila M. Jasey
Assemblywoman, District 27 - Essex & Morris Counties
Deputy Speaker
Chair, Higher Education Committee
Vice-Chair, Education
Co-Chair, Joint Committee on Public Schools
Member, Housing and Community Development

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Stacey Ross-Trevor Stacey Ross-Trevor

Sharon Graubard

“Lisa’s ability to bring people together, to recognize talent and to make things happen is unparalleled. Her work ethic and passion make her a force of nature.”

– Sharon Graubard
Owner, Mintmoda

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Stacey Ross-Trevor Stacey Ross-Trevor

Audrey Rowe

“Lisa Mainardi has gone above and beyond to encourage creative ideas and collaboration across groups. It's not uncommon to receive a phone call from Lisa saying, "So, what are you guys doing for (fill in the blank)?" to which she would then make some suggestions or share information about who else might be looking to partner.”

— Audrey Rowe
Program Director, South Orange/Maplewood Community Coalition on Race

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Lisa Mainardi Lisa Mainardi

Ellen Davenport

“Lisa’s creative assistance has helped us to re-imagine the site and enabled us to present an exciting event, fun and safe, for the 1,000 attendees. This wouldn’t have been possible without Lisa’s guidance."

— Ellen M. Davenport
Secretary, Robert J. Miller Foundation, Inc.
Former Mayor of Maplewood, NJ

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Stacey Ross-Trevor Stacey Ross-Trevor

Nicholas Clarey

“Lisa’s eagerness to see the arts alive and in great practice in the Burgdorff and the Woodland is energizing. Her creativity, leadership, problem-solving, and malleability make her a great asset who can think on her feet, appeasing any situation that may arise with an artistically focused mind and compassionate spirit.”

– Nicholas J. Clarey
Artistic Director, interACT Theatre Productions

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Stacey Ross-Trevor Stacey Ross-Trevor

Kathy Leventhal

“Whether creating a special focus on students or digitizing within the market, Lisa continually sought to provide more for her industry and artists. It is not often a person is able to succeed with both the big picture and the details, with business producers and with artists. Lisa is that person."

— Kathleen Leventhal
Former Deputy Mayor, Maplewood NJ
Former DIRECTION Independent Contractor

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Stacey Ross-Trevor Stacey Ross-Trevor

Kim and Kevin Kraemer

“Lisa’s marketing and planning experience combined with resourcefulness for making the right connections bridged partnerships so that like minded organizations could work together on a collaborative event that exceeds what each could have been separately.”

— Kim and Kevin Kraemer
Owners, Marketspace Vendor Events

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Stacey Ross-Trevor Stacey Ross-Trevor

Gregory Omar Osborne

“Lisa’s community involvement and ability to reach people, where they are, shows her dedication to serving this community in which she lives.The advice she has given personally to progressive theater and myself—to bring programming that promotes diversity, inclusion and community involvement— attracts potential residents to Maplewood.”

— Gregory Omar Osborne
Founder & Artistic Director, Progressive Theater

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Stacey Ross-Trevor Stacey Ross-Trevor

Andrea Blythe

“I saw first hand the bounty of ideas that Lisa brought to each endeavor and then the perseverance to deliver, and repeatedly, she exceeded. I witnessed the unrelenting stamina Lisa has as a woman on a mission. Lisa has a keen talent for finding creative, able people and nurturing a collaborative spirit on her projects. She is resourceful, pragmatic and determined to surpass expectations."

– Andrea Blythe
Partner, Blythe Design Studio, LLC
Former DIRECTION Independent Contractor

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Stacey Ross-Trevor Stacey Ross-Trevor

Roseann Forde

“Lisa through her networking and brainstorming was on the cutting edge of trend and constantly adding new enhanced features to the [DIRECTION] show from galleries and giant displays to information centers on sustainability, digital printing and groundbreaking forums highlighting new textile, dye and fiber innovations.”

— Roseann Forde
Color & Trend Forecaster/Consultant
Former Creative Director, Dupont

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Stacey Ross-Trevor Stacey Ross-Trevor

Ellen Greenfield Hates Celk

"Anyone who could run a major fashion, design and trend conference as she had, has the skills to coordinate and inspire arts programing.”

— Ellen Greenfield Hates Celk
Docent, The Newark Museum of Art for 25 years
Former Welcome Committee, DIRECTION Show
Former Board Chair, 1978 Maplewood Arts Center

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Stacey Ross-Trevor Stacey Ross-Trevor

Joann Aponte and Bobbie Rosengarten

“Lisa has the ability to cut through to the heart of the matter and tackle things in a really direct and fabulously problem solving way. Lisa knows what she is doing and is the one person who makes things work.”

— Joann Aponte
Former President, The Woman’s Club of Maplewood

— Bobbie Rosengarten
Treasurer, The Woman’s Club of Maplewood

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Stacey Ross-Trevor Stacey Ross-Trevor

Eileen Mislove

“Forward Leap is a special showcase conceived and realized by Lisa Mainardi … to introduce outstanding students and recent graduates to the industry. I can imagine no better introduction."

— Eileen Mislove
Professor, Fashion Institute of Technology
Consultant, DIRECTION

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