Audrey Rowe


"The efforts given to coordinating, funding and participating in Black History Month events speak volumes for Maplewood Township's commitment to integration and inclusion. I want to recognize the efforts of the Township of Maplewood Division of Arts & Culture in coordinating, promoting and hosting many of the events for Black History Month. In particular, Lisa Mainardi has gone above and beyond to encourage creative ideas and collaboration across groups - not only for Black History Month but throughout the year. Her role in helping to orchestrate and support multiple cultural heritage festivals across groups, to encourage holding local activities that leverage the NYT 1619 Project and celebrate Juneteenth, to bring different entities together like the Community Coalition on Race and Progressive Theater and to create a closing event for Black History Month are just a few examples of her contributions.

It's not uncommon to receive a phone call from Lisa saying, "So, what are you guys doing for (fill in the blank)?" to which she would then make some suggestions or share information about who else might be looking to partner. We are so lucky to have such dedicated and forward looking professionals in our community, and I feel privileged to work with all of you."

— Audrey Rowe
Program Director, South Orange/Maplewood Community Coalition on Race


Sharon Graubard


Ellen Davenport